The following quote is my slightly condensed transcription of Jordan Peterson’s podcast #48 (March 1, 2020) starting at one minute past the one hour mark (1:01:00).
You have emotional systems that help you decide if you’re on the right path. Your positive emotions and your negative emotions are orienting systems that tell you whether you’re on the right path.
The path is defined by the goal, so you need a goal.
If your life is not the way you want it to be, it’s possible that your goal is not what it should be.
Rule 6 (of Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life) says, “Put your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.”
If the world isn’t “up to your standards”, you might start by asking yourself about that. The world isn’t up to your standards? Really? And that’s the world’s problem, somehow? It’s not more likely that there’s some chance that it’s YOUR problem and that, if you put yourself right, the world would no longer appear to be a problem?
Knowing that your emotional reactions are dependent on your aim does immediately open up the question: “If things aren’t laying themselves out in front of you the way that is necessary for you to live a full and engaged life and not be cynical and bitter and twisted and cruel and vengeful and disappointed and all of that, it’s just possible that you’re not aiming at the right thing.” And THAT is a question worth asking!
Jordan B. Peterson, Podcast #48, March 1 2020