Self authoring

I bought Jordan Peterson’s self authoring suite about 15 months ago and, for more than a year, did nothing except set up my login.

It’s definitely interesting, psychologically, that I will watch hours of YouTube (mostly educational such as photography or dog training, but also some entertainment) but not spend the few hours on JP’s site to analyze my own life.

So I started the first section of it about a month ago. It’s going to take a while simply because of my work schedule. But scheduling isn’t the only problem. I’m still finding it difficult to motivate myself to sit down and answer the questions and do the analysis.

I don’t have an answer as to why and maybe I don’t need the answer. The solution, regardless of the why, is to just do it.

I’m currently working on the “Present Authoring (Faults)” section, which I’ve chosen to do first. It’s an analysis of the negative aspects of my personality that reveal themselves in behavioral flaws such as anger, laziness, etc.

Other sections are:

  • Future Authoring (imagining your ideal future)
  • Present Authoring – Virtues (the positive aspects of your personality)
  • Past Authoring (identifying significant experiences in your past)

If you’re interested in this program, you can find it at

The other Jordan Peterson program available is a personality assessment based on the Big Five Personality Test. It’s available at